Enhance Our Academic Profile

Academic Excellence

加强全球网赌十大网站对学术卓越的承诺,丰富全球网赌十大网站的学术形象,以增加勒努瓦-雷恩学位的价值, resulting in an increase in net tuition revenue. 这需要加强现有的项目,并投资于与全球网赌十大网站的使命一致的新项目. 



  • Enhance Academic Profile
    Develop Immersive Opportunities


    Year 1 Highlights 

    • 对机构机会进行审查,并根据最佳实践进行分析
    • 更新西南小学的读写中心,为所有学生提供足够的空间和资源
    Specialized Academic Experiences

    Restructure and enhance high-end opportunities including honors, 学者, fellows and academic programs.

    Year 1 Highlight 

    • Conducting review of how programs overlap and best use of resources, while a revision of our Scholars Day program was implemented
  • Increase Net Revenue
    Revise Student Advising

    Restructure student advising from academic guidance to life coaching, integrating vocation and purpose.

    Year 1 Highlight

    • 对最佳做法进行审查,重点关注同行和有抱负的机构的成功模式, while gaining a better understanding of the needs at LR
    Efficiency of 教师 Resources


    Year 1 Highlights

    • Reviewed the current approach to faculty contracts and reassigned time, 研究了2019年初进行的“特拉华州成本和生产力研究”的结果,将劳氏数据与国家数据进行了对比,并审查了各种分布式工作负载模型.
    • A recommendation for proposed faculty workload distribution will be presented in April
    Expand 在线 Programming
  • 创新 & 技术
    Pivot to Student-Centered Learning

    Effect a shift in campus culture toward prioritizing student-centered learning, while utilizing learning designers to support faculty instruction and development.

    Year 1 Highlight

    • 建立定义和目标,准备提交包括培训计划在内的提案
    Reconceptualize 教师 Work & 奖励

    Review faculty work assignments, compensation, and contracts to prioritize and incentive student-centered learning and engagement.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Reviewed faculty evaluation processes with deans of all LR colleges
    • Gathered feedback on the faculty evaluation process at LR and reported to the provost
    • Developing a proposal to revise the faculty evaluation process
  • Relevant Programs
    Academic Program Review


    Year 1 Highlights

    • Created a program review process based on best practices and feedback from the campus
    • The process began in August 2020

    Year 2 Highlights - Complete

    Redevelop LR's Academic Core

    Revise and update LR’s Core Curriculum, including the convocation program, desired learning outcomes, and the integration of vocation and purpose.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • 核心修订小组与八组教职员工会面,讨论本科生共同学习目标, and we're currently reviewing the data from those listening sessions

    Year 2 Highlights

    Alternative Models for Learning

    Year 2 Highlights


学生 arrive in PE Monroe auditorium for the Student Life Awards


Josh Kenst

In November 2022, a routine email check put Josh Kenst, MTS的23, on a path that led him to a year long global mission program in Senegal.
